Retrieve SDF Data from PubChem and Save as File
This function sends a request to PubChem to retrieve data in SDF format based on the specified parameters. It then saves the retrieved data as an SDF file in the current working directory.
namespace = "cid",
domain = "compound",
operation = NULL,
searchtype = NULL,
path = NULL,
file_name = NULL,
options = NULL
- identifier
A character or numeric value specifying the identifier for the request.
- namespace
A character string specifying the namespace for the request. Default is 'cid'.
- domain
A character string specifying the domain for the request. Default is 'compound'.
- operation
An optional character string specifying the operation for the request.
- searchtype
An optional character string specifying the search type.
- path
A string indicating the path to the folder where the SDF files will be saved. Default is NULL (i.e., saves the file into a temporary folder).
- file_name
A string. File name for downloaded SDF file. If NULL, "file" is used as the file name. Default is NULL.
- options
Additional parameters to be passed to the
NULL. The function saves the retrieved data as an SDF file in the current working directory and prints a message indicating the file's location.
identifier = "aspirin",
namespace = "name",
path = NULL
#> 'path' is not specified. Saving files into a temporary folder.
#> SDF file to save --> 'aspirin_2023-12-19_13_29_42.sdf'
#> Saved into folder --> /var/folders/dr/pwksczrd3gg7sxbphrjs5twh0000gn/T//RtmpfYQRgC
#> Completed options